姓名 金立国
电话 010-62009009
Email: jlg1206@163.com


1986年生,安徽界首人,中共党员,工学博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。长期从事场地地震响应、地下结构抗震、地震动模拟、地震波动理论等的研究工作。主持完成国家重点研发计划子课题1项、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项、北京市自然科学基金面上项目1项、中国博士后科学基金第64批与第71批面上项目2项、中央公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项1项等项目。作为科研技术骨干参加国家自然科学基金面上项目4项、国家重点研发计划2项。在《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology》、《Earthquake Spectra》、《Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》、《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》、《Journal of Earthquake Engineering》、《振动与冲击》及《防灾减灾工程学报》等国内外地震工程领域知名期刊发表学术论文共计32篇,其中第一作者与通讯作者SCI论文20篇。参编教材1部。



2012.09-2016.06  天津大学,防灾减灾工程及防护工程,博士

2009.09-2012.06  北方工业大学,结构工程,硕士

2005.09-2009.06  安徽工业大学,土木工程,学士



2023.08-至   今  中国地震局地质研究所,副研究员,硕士生导师

2021.11-2023.07  中国地震局地球所物理研究所,副研究员,硕士生导师,全职博后,合作导师:李小军 研究员

2017.09-2021.10  南京工业大学,助理教授,硕士生导师

2017.12-2020.10  南京工业大学土木工程博士后流动站,在职博后,合作导师:陈国兴 教授

2019.08-2020.07  美国University of Michigan地球物理系,访问学者

2016.07-2017.09  安徽工业大学,讲师






11. 中华人民共和国科学技术部,国家重点研发计划子课题,2023YFC3007403,跨断层山岭隧道地震破坏分析模型与数值模拟,2023-11至2026-10,在研,主持

10. 北京市自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,8232016,北京城市地铁隧道群与地上建筑群地震相互作用特性研究,2023-01至2025-12,在研,主持

9. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,51808290,地铁隧道与地表结构相互作用体系地震反应特性研究,2019-01至2021-12,结题,主持

8. 中国博士后科学基金会,第71批面上项目,2022M712943,基于波动解析解的海域工程场地局部地形地震效应研究,2022-07至2023-07,结题,主持

7. 中国地震局地球物理研究所,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,DQJB21K45,海域工程场地局部地形地震动分布及其特性研究,2021-12至2022-11,结题,主持

6. 中国博士后科学基金会,第64批面上项目,2018M642232,城市河道与沿河建筑物相互作用体系地震反应特性研究,2018-11至2020-10,结题,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,地震科学联合基金,U1839202,珊瑚岛礁岩土动力特性及场地地震稳定性评价方法,2019-01至2022-12,结题,参与

4. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项,2018YFE0109800,中国大陆场地分类方法与场地地震动影响模型研究,2019-11至2022-10,结题,参与

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51978333,强震区地铁地下车站结构的减隔震控制理论与效能研究,2020-01至2023-12,结题,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51878626,海域地震地质环境下海底隧道抗震性能研究,2019-01至2022-12,结题,参与

1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41877243,地震波斜入射条件下砂质海床响应特征与海底管道失稳机理研究,2019-01至2022-12,结题,参与



[32]. 金立国, 杜丽婷, 周稳, 陈苏*, 周本刚, 周正华. Influence of 3D spatial effect of underground structure on the nonlinear seismic response of subway station based on the comparison of 2D and 3D models. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 139: 105119.

[31]. 金立国, 段雪良, 周本刚, 周正华*. Surface motion of P/SV wave scattering by a semicircular canyon in saturated half-space by complex function and conformal mapping. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 175: 108276.

[30]. 金立国, 李伯维*, 林思奇, 李广宁. Optimal Design Formula for Tuned Mass Damper Based on an Analytical Solution of Interaction between Soil and Structure with Rigid Foundation Subjected to Plane SH-Waves. Buildings, 2023,

[29]. 金立国, 杜丽婷, 谢俊举, 李小军*. An analytical model for 2D seismic tunnel-aboveground structure interaction with considering the influence of tunnel longitudinal shear deformation. Earthquake Spectra, 2022,

[28]. 金立国, 朱俊, 周稳, 梁建文, 陈国兴*. 2D dynamic tunnel-soil-aboveground building interaction (I): Analytical solution for incident plane SH-waves based on rigid tunnel and foundation model. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2022,

[27]. 金立国*, 杜丽婷, 王海彦. Dynamic interaction of two independent SDOF oscillators supported by a flexible foundation embedded in a half-space: Closed-form analytical solution for incident plane SH-waves. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, 2021,

[26]. 金立国, 刘旭进, 周正华, 陈苏*. An Analytical Solution for Seismic Interaction between Urban River-Canyon Topography and Nearby Buildings. Shock and Vibration, 2021,

[25]. 金立国, 孙红阳, 王盛年, 周正华*. A Series Solution for 2D Scattering of Cylindrical SH-Waves by Surrounding Loose Rock Zone of Underground Tunnel Lining. Frontiers in Physics, 2021,

[24]. 金立国, 王靖雅*, 刘旭进, 李强强, 周正华. Vibration Isolation of a Rubber-Concrete Alternating Superposition In-Filled Trench for Train-Induced Environmental Vibration Based on 2.5D Indirect Boundary Element Method. Frontiers in Physics, 2021, 9: 774621.

[23]. 金立国, 刘旭进, 孙红阳*, 周正华. An Analytical Solution for 2D Dynamic Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction for Twin Flexible Tunnels Embedded in a Homogeneous Half-Space. Applied Sciences, 2021,

[22]. 金立国*, 梁建文. 2D Dynamic Structure-canyon-structure Interaction for the Buildings along the Urban River-canyon (I): Incident SH-waves in Homogenous Half-space. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020,

[21]. 金立国*, 周稳, 梁建文, Yihe Huang. Dynamic Soil-Structure-Equipment Interaction (II): Closed-form Analytical Solution for Incident Plane SH-wave Based on Flexible Foundation Model. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2020,

[20]. 金立国*, 梁建文. Dynamic soil-structure interaction with a flexible foundation embedded in a half-space: Closed-form analytical solution for incident plane SH-waves. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2019,

[19]. 金立国*, 唐国晋, 梁建文. Dynamic Soil-Structure-Equipment Interaction (I): Closed-form Analytical Solution for Incident Plane SH-wave Based on Rigid Foundation Model. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2019,

[18]. 金立国, 梁建文*. The effect of foundation flexibility variation on system response of dynamic soil-structure interaction: an analytical solution. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2018,

[17]. 刘中宪, 王建旭, 金立国*. 平面SV波入射下地上建筑群-地铁隧道群动力相互作用研究. 振动与冲击, 2024, 43(4): 27-37. http://jvs.sjtu.edu.cn/CN/Y2024/V43/I4/27

[16]. 段雪良, 金立国*, 周正华. Surface Motion for P-Wave Scattering by an Arbitrary-Shaped Canyon in Saturated Half-Space. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13: 9566.

[15]. 刘中宪, 王建旭, 金立国*, 陈苏. Rayleigh波入射下建筑群-隧道群相互作用特性研究. 防灾减灾工程学报, 2022, (6): 1153-1164. http://dx.doi.org/10.13409/j.cnki.jdpme.20220827002

[14]. 庄海洋, 王伟, 金立国*, 李晟, 陈国兴. Seismic performance of two-story subway station structures with different isolating systems. Earthquake Research Advances, 2022, 4(2): 100155.

[13]. 李远东, 郝冰, 李小军, 金立国*, 董青, 周正华. A Method for Solving Percolation Overflow Boundary Based on Maximum of Horizontal Energy Loss Rate. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021,

[12]. 王巨科, 李小军*, 刘爱文, 陈苏, 傅磊, 金立国. Study on the interaction between shaking table and eccentric load. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2023,

[11]. 丁毅, 陈苏*, 李小军, 金立国, 栾邵凯, 孙浩. Physics-constrained neural networks for half-space seismic wave modeling. Computers and Geosciences, 2023, 181: 105477.

[10]. 郝冰, 周正华, 李远东, 李小军*, 金立国. Experimental Analysis on Mechanical Characteristics of Foundation Soil in Rift Valley Area of Kenya Nairobi-Malaba Railway. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10: 909102.

[9]. 刘中宪, 李文轩, 金立国, 孟思博*, 袁晓铭, 程星磊, 艾天纯. Efficient simulation of stochastic seismic response of long-span bridges in river valleys using hybrid BEM-FEM. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 165: 107690.

[8]. 杜丽婷, 金立国, 周正华*. Analysis of the seismic effects of the local slope site of Longtoushan market town in Ludian Ms6.5 earthquake. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 10: 1118079.

[7]. 郝冰, 周正华, 李远东, 李小军*, 刘旭进, 韩轶, 金立国. Analysis of the Mechanism of Ground Fissures in the Nairobi–Malaba Railway Rift Valley Area in Kenya. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022,

[6]. 刘中宪, 周涛, 孟思博*, 金立国. 2-D FM-IBEM Simulation of broadband ground motions on near-fault mountain-valley coupling site. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, 145: 224-241.

[5]. 董青, 周正华, 李小军*, 郝冰, 金立国. Soil Dynamic Constitutive Considering Post-Liquefaction Deformation and Reversible Pore-Water Pressure. Sustainability, 2022, 14: 16512.

[4]. 李晟, 庄海洋*, 王伟, 金立国, 董正芳. Effect of Different Types of Middle Columns on the Seismic Performance of Single-Story Subway Station Structure. Shock and Vibration, 2021, 7617782.

[3]. 梁建文*, 金立国. 基础柔性对土-结构相互作用系统响应影响的一个解析解. 地震工程学报, 2017, 39(5): 799-810.

[2]. 梁建文, 金立国, Todorovska MI., Trifunac MD*. Soil-structure interaction for a SDOF oscillator supported by a flexible foundation embedded in a half-space: Closed-form solution for incident plane SH-waves. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2016, 90: 287-298.

[1]. 梁建文*, 金立国. 建筑基础中设备对土-结构动力相互作用影响的一个解析解. 地震工程与工程振动, 2016, 36(5): 10-20.

[0]. 王海彦, 刘训臣, 刑世玲, 金立国(副主编). 教材《混凝土结构设计原理》, 西南交通大学出版社, 2021年3月出版, ISBN978-7-5643-6338-3.



(1). 国家自然科学基金委员会项目评议专家

(2). 中国地震学会岩土工程防震减灾专业委员会委员

(3). 中国地震学会近岸与离岸工程灾害环境防护专业委员会委员

(4). 中国振动工程学会高级会员

(5). 江苏省土木建筑学会地基基础专业委员会委员兼青年委员会常务委员

(6). 岩土工程领域国际著名期刊Géotechnique、International Journal of Geomechanics、Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences等期刊审稿人



2021.12 江苏省地震学会第八届青年优秀科技论文二等奖

2018.09 江苏省政府留学奖学金



